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Cold and Fever

Colds, fever and flu in children:

home remedies and medicines


  • How can you treat cold and flu symptoms for your child?
  • Is it a low-grade fever and cold or more serious?
  • How can you lower your child’s temperature?
  • Does chicken soup help in treating colds?
  • Other home remedies


How can you treat cold and flu symptoms for your child?


  Symptoms may start with a cold, maybe a cough with mild aches and pains, it may be a long day with an upset stomach, whatever the cause, treating your child’s cold signs and symptoms requires some knowledge.


In these few lines you will discover how to comfort your child at home and return him to good health, you will discover medical treatments that are effective treatments for colds. You’ll also learn how to safely give over-the-counter medications, if needed, to relieve a fever, sore throat, runny nose or other cold symptoms.


First, we must know: Is it a low-grade fever and cold, or more serious?


 When you touch your child, do you feel the heat on his forehead? Do you wake up in a cold sweat? Fever can be scary, but how hot is the baby?


 According to pediatricians, if your child is warmer than 100.4 degrees, there may be an increased risk to health and the doctor should be contacted if your child is warm and is less than 6 months old, has other symptoms, or has not yet been vaccinated.


If not, it is safe to use over-the-counter remedies for children as remedies for the common cold, which have the added benefit of pain relief. Aspirin should never be given to anyone under 19, many pediatricians say, as aspirin use in children increases the risk of Reye’s syndrome, a serious but rare disease that can harm the brain and liver!


If there is a rise in your child’s temperature: How can you lower your child’s temperature?

There are several ways to reduce a child’s high temperature.


  • Avoid rubbing alcohol, cold water and ice.
  • Make sure your child is resting at a comfortable temperature and wearing light clothing.
  • Watch out for symptoms of dehydration.
  • If your child has dry diapers, has a dry tongue or mouth, or is feeding poorly, contact a health care professional immediately or go to the nearest emergency room.

For older children who are showing signs of dehydration such as not urinating frequently, not drinking well, or behaving abnormally, contact your pediatrician immediately.


As for effective ways to reduce the temperature, the frequently asked question: Does chicken soup help in treating colds?


Believe it or not, the answer is yes, for several reasons. First, there have been studies showing a link between eating chicken soup and reducing inflammation, even without the potential inflammation-reducing abilities of chicken soup. It is a nutritious beverage that can improve health. But don’t stop at just chicken soup. Give your sick child plenty of other fluids, such as milk, water, or an electrolyte solution.


As for other home remedies:

Steam is a great way to help treat a stuffy nose, and it can help with congestion pain. Have your child inhale steam from a hot shower.


Massaging the chest with menthol can also be helpful. They help loosen the mucus that is expelled from coughing.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not use steam treatment on anyone under two years of age.

After the nose puff leaves your child’s face a little rough, try petroleum jelly under the nose to soothe irritated skin.

With regard to relieving a sore throat and cough: How do you relieve a sore throat and cough in your child?

  • Usually the common cold is the cause when it comes to sore throats, and they usually last about four or five days, and the way to relieve a sore throat also depends on your age.


 where it:


  Children over two years of age can find relief from drinking tea or warm caffeine-free water with about 1/2 teaspoon of honey with lemon.


    Children over a year old can receive 1 teaspoon of buckwheat honey to relieve cough.


Children 6 years of age and older can find relief from over-the-counter lozenges with an anesthetic that helps relieve pain.


 Hard candy is another convenient option – sugar-free candy is better for their health. Gargling with warm salt water may also be helpful.


Sore throats tend to come on quickly. Sometimes the strep does not come along with the symptoms of other colds. If you think your child has strep, call your doctor for a strep test and antibiotics, if necessary.


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